How SBB was able to improve efficiency in the contact center and customer service in the communication channel letters, in the customer service management of ServiceNow.
Swiss Federal Railways Ltd, or SBB for short, is the backbone of sustainable mobility in Switzerland. Every day, 1.25 million passengers and 205,000 tons of goods travel safely, punctually and in an environmentally friendly manner with SBB. To achieve this impressive performance, more than 34,000 employees are committed to their customers.
In order to continuously improve its customer service and meet increasing demands, SBB relies on state-of-the-art technologies and uses the Customer Service Management (CSM) product from ServiceNow for its Contact Center and customer service. SBB offers its customers various communication channels (e.g. telephone, email, chat, letter, contact forms), which have been fully integrated into the CSM and thus enable uniform processing of inquiries.
In the first two years after the introduction of the CSM, SBB did not have a satisfactory solution for answering inquiries by letter and for sending vouchers. For this reason, SBB worked with ServiceNow to find a suitable solution that would simplify the creation of letters from the CSM for the agents and thus sustainably increase efficiency in customer contact.
We have been looking for an efficient solution for processing our letter mail for a long time. With the «NoCode PDF®» tool from Arctive, we have finally found a suitable solution.
Arlette Salzmann and Marianne Scheuber Team Leaders // SBB
Arctive now provides SBB with an integrated Arctive Business Solution «NoCode PDF®» certified by ServiceNow. «NoCode PDF®» from Arctive makes it easy to create templates from the customer case and fill them with data from the CSM in order to generate documents such as letters as PDFs at the touch of a button and to save or process them in the customer case from the CSM as attachments and in the overview of the letters.
The result is impressive: customer information is inserted into the letters directly from the underlying process and master data. Greeting formulas, headers and footers are adapted according to the responsible business unit and customer language. The layout, fonts and color scheme correspond exactly to the corporate design (CD) specified by SBB. In addition to reply templates, SBB employees can also use free text or insert other variable data. Manual address entry and content checking are largely eliminated. This improves quality and reduces the time required. All dispatch information such as letter status, responsible employee can be viewed and evaluated in the CSM.
CD-compliant templates and reply templates that have already been created are now available for a wide range of business areas such as the Contact Center, Customer Service or the «International Group Travel» unit within SBB. Thanks to the templates and the transfer of data from the CSM, the processing time and error rate have been reduced.
Since the introduction of «NoCode PDF®» in September 2023, which integrates seamlessly into the existing ServiceNow instance as a 100% «Built on ServiceNow» app, hundreds of personalized customer letters have already been successfully sent. In addition, several thousand old customer letters have been migrated, replacing the old letter generation process.
With the new tool for creating letters, I can create replies to customers much faster and print them out directly. Thank you for implementation the new tool.
Staff Members Services // SBB
After the proof of concept of the standard product «NoCode PDF®» from Arctive, we were able to confirm that this solution covers our business requirements and that our employees receive an integrated process for creating and sending letters. The cooperation with Arctive's employees was very open, constructive and solution-oriented right from the start. I am glad that we have found a competent partner and I am very much looking forward to continuing our collaboration.
Ursula Stäuble // Product Manager ART Customer Service SBB
The initial project resulted in a trusting and transparent collaboration between SBB and Arctive. This ensures the best possible support for release changes and new system requirements even after the successful go-live.
Working with the SBB Contact Center and Customer Service staff was a great experience for me. We learned a lot about SBB's challenges and were able to develop an application that is really tailored to the needs of the relevant employees.
Michael Peter // Development & Project, Arctive AG
Arctive Ltd. is proud not only to be able to continue its partnership with SBB in Switzerland, but also to be a satisfied customer of SBB.