The energy world is currently facing a multitude of fundamental challenges. Digitalization, decentralization, grid convergence, security of supply, climate-friendly electromobility, and ensuring smart metering systems are the buzzwords.
The energy world is currently facing a multitude of fundamental challenges.
Digitalization, decentralization, grid convergence, security of supply, climate-friendly electromobility, and ensuring smart metering systems are the buzzwords.
Distribution network operators are also confronted with these challenges. The efficiency of the value chain as well as the automation of processes is indispensable here. Electricians, construction companies, architects and independent control bodies from a wide range of sectors must be offered innovative solutions. Innovations to efficiently organize the workflows for applications for technical connections, grid connections, construction electricity, temporary installations or network projects efficiently.
Arctive plc. meets these demands with its specific industry solution and market knowledge. Arctive.ENERGY provides this proof with the 3*3 approach and works in partnership with the stakeholders.
In just three hours, a live demonstrative solution is developed specifically for a real use case. Within three days, the feasibility of the presented solution approach is proven by a proof-of-concept
proven. Subsequently, the solution is ready for production within three months. This includes technical implementation with documentation and professional access security, data protection and integration with the core systems. Employee training, go-live support and the availability of specialist expertise are also ensured during the Hypercare phase.
The partial extract of these added values, shows that Arctive.ENERGY has created a tailor-made platform for all parties involved. The platform automates a large number of business processes and maps them end-to-end in just one platform. Furthermore, through automation, the manual processing time for all involved specialists is significantly reduced.
The platform enables synergies to be created where it makes sense and is necessary, resolves complexity and, last but not least, offers simplicity and efficiency for all those involved.
You can find more information about the industry-specific solution here as a direct download.
Do you have a concrete case that you would like to discuss - we will show you in our 3*3 approach how your solution can be created and mapped.
- Team Arctive.ENERGY